«Cheguei a uma pequena duna e vi um piloto caído: era o Paulo»

13 jan 2020, 10:29

Toby Price encontrou Paulo Gonçalves, pediu ajuda e não deixou o português até ajudar a colocá-lo no helicóptero

Toby Price, o primeiro piloto a chegar junto de Paulo Gonçalves, escreveu nesta segunda-feira de manhã um longo texto nas redes sociais, descrevendo todos os momentos de uma cena trágica, que culminou com a morte do português.

O atual campeão do Dakar nas motas fez questão de ficar com Paulo Gonçalves até ao fim, ajudando a colocar o piloto luso no helicóptero e esquecendo o resultado da 7.ª etapa da prova.

«A etapa de ontem começou bem, a bom ritmo, estava a sentir-me bem na moto. O Paulo saiu para a etapa uns cinco minutos antes de mim e o pior aconteceu. Cheguei a uma pequena duna e vi um piloto caído, era o Paulo», começou por descrever.

O australiano explica que Ctefan Svitko e Luc Alphand foram os próximos pilotos a chegar ao local: «Ajudámos a descarregar o equipamento médico, a guiar os restantes pilotos para longe daquela cena má. Todos demos o nosso máximo, mas já não havia nada a fazer. Ajudei a levá-lo para o helicóptero, era o que devia fazer. Tinha sido o primeiro a chegar até junto dele e queria ser o último a sair.»

«Os meus últimos 250 km da etapa foram duros, estou desidratado de tanto chorar», explicou Toby Price, concluindo: «Neste momento não estou interessado no resultado, não quero saber.»


Yesterday’s stage was starting well, great pace and feeling good on the bike until the refuel. Paulo took off into the stage about 5 minutes before me and the worst case had happened. I come over a small crest and seen a rider down and was Paulo. Worst fears kicked in cause I knew this one was serious. I called for help ASAP and helped get him on his side (plus more serious checks). Tried calling for more help and by this stage @stefansvitko (also a champion) had arrived and helping where he could. The first helicopter arrive and @luc_alphand_skiator was starting to help and as the medical helicopter arrive they were already on CPR and the doctors got to our sides and work all they could. Helping holding drip bags, getting bags of medical equipment and guiding other riders around a bad scene. We all worked as long as we could but there was nothing we could do. I helped assist carrying him to the helicopter as it was the right thing to do. I was first at his side and wanted to be the last to leave. We will miss you’re smile and laughter in the bivouac #speedy My last 250km of special stage was tough, I’m dehydrated from tears. At the moment I’m not even worried about the result, I couldn’t care. Many thoughts with family and friends on this day, we don’t start the rally day 8 for bike #8 in respect to family and friends and the loss of a HERO.. Thankyou to everyone for the messages of support worldwide, especially Portugal with all the kind things. We are human and this is nothing but just a race, I would give up all my wins to have any of my fellow racing mates back with us..

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